編號 | 中文 | 英文 |
1 | 內政部消防署港務消防大隊 | Harbor Fire Corps‚ National Fire Agency‚ Ministry of the Interior |
2 | 綜合企劃組 | Planning Division |
3 | 災害管理組 | Disaster Management Division |
4 | 預防調查組 | Fire Prevention and Investigation Division |
5 | 危險物品管理組 | Hazardous Materials Management Division |
6 | 救災救護組 | Disaster Rescue and Emergency Medical Services Division |
7 | 整備應變組 | Disaster Preparedness and Response Division |
8 | 救災救護指揮中心 | Rescue Command Center |
9 | 訓練中心 | Training Center |
10 | 人事室 | Personnel Office |
11 | 會計室 | Accounting Office |
12 | 政風室 | Civil Service Ethics Office |
13 | 督察室 | Inspector Office |
14 | 秘書室 | Secretariat |
15 | 特種搜救隊 | Special Search and Rescue Team |
16 | 資通作業中心 | Information and Communication Operations Center |
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