編號 | 中文 | 英文 |
21 | 假如你發現受害者,用閃亮明顯的物體標示他們的位置,然後打電話進來,並留在現場直到消防人員抵達 | If you find victims, mark their location with something bright and obvious, call back, and remain in the area until fire-rescue arrives on-scene. |
22 | 遠離窗戶或玻璃區域。避免大型玻璃天井區域,通常是在大賣場的中央位置 | Stay away from windows or glassed areas. Avoid large, glassed atrium areas such as might be found in the center of a mall. |
23 | 遠離有寬敞天花板區域的大型房間,像是餐廳或是健身房 | Stay away from large rooms with wide ceiling areas, like dining halls or gymnasiums. |
24 | 你現在在哪裡 | Where are you? |
25 | 建築物現在是否著火 | Is the structure on fire? |
26 | 你有看見或是聞到煙味嗎 | Do you see or smell smoke? |
27 | 假如建築物著火,則以一般正常建築物火災案件回應派遣 | If the structure is on fire, dispatch a full structure response? |
28 | 你必須立即撤離整棟建築物 | You need to evacuate the structure immediately. |
29 | 假如你看見火光,看見或聞到煙霧,你必須馬上撤離這棟建築物 | If you see fire, or see or smell smoke, then you must evacuate the structure. |
30 | 除非你正使用行動電話,否則掛上電直到閃電經過。閃電有可能從電話線中傳導,並造成你受傷或死亡 | Unless you are on a portable or cell phone, hang up until the lightning has passed. Lightning can travel along phone lines and injure or kill you. |
31 | 你的房屋是閃電發生時最安全的地方。假如你在屋內,就留在裡面。遠離窗戶及電器用品 | Your house is the safest place to be in a lightning storm. If you are inside, stay there. Avoid windows and electrical appliances. |
32 | 受害者現在人在哪裡 | Where is the victim? |
33 | 試著分辨受害者是否迷失方向或呼吸困難 | Try to determine if the victim is disoriented, or having difficulty breathing. |
34 | 只要來電者到了安全的地方,則透過正常的緊急救護程序處理任何受傷問題 | Once the caller is in a safe place, handle any injuries per normal EMD procedures. |
35 | 你的位置在哪裡 | Where are you located? |
36 | 你是否受困在你的車內 | Are you trapped in your vehicle? |
37 | 水是否很深,或是流動很快 | Is the water deep, or flowing fast. |
38 | 你的車輛是否漂浮假如是的話,往哪個方向漂流 | Is your vehicle floating If so, which direction is it going. |
39 | 假如有人受困在很深且流動快速的水裡,且車輛正在漂浮,特別是水已經流進車內,車內的人員生命受到威脅時 | If the person is trapped in very deep, fast-moving water and/or the vehicle is floating away especially if water is getting into the automobile and their life is threatened. |
40 | 讓車內的人打開一邊的窗戶,或是以鞋子或其他硬質的物體擊破窗戶 | Try to open a side window, or break it with your shoe or some other solid object. |