編號 | 中文 | 英文 |
21 | 澎湖縣政府消防局 | Penghu County Fire Department |
22 | 金門縣消防局 | Kinmen County Fire Department |
23 | 福建省連江縣消防局 | Lienchiang County Fire Department |
24 | 內政部消防署基隆港務消防隊 | Keelung Harbor Fire Brigade, National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior |
25 | 內政部消防署臺中港務消防隊 | Taichung Harbor Fire Brigade , National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior |
26 | 內政部消防署高雄港務消防隊 | Kaohsiung Harbor Fire Brigade , National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior |
27 | 內政部消防署花蓮港務消防隊 | Hualien Harbor Fire Brigade , National Fire Agency, Ministry of the Interior |
28 | 行政院國家搜救指揮中心 | National Rescue Command Center |
29 | 內政部空中勤務總隊 | National Airborne Service Corps,Ministry of the Interior |
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