編號 | 中文 | 英文 |
121 | 消防責任區圖 | Drawing of fire-protection responsible division |
122 | 體能教育示範圖 | Demonstrative drawings of physical training |
123 | 戰時消防部署防護計畫圖 | Drawings of allocation and planning in case of fire |
124 | 颱風動向標示圖 | Typhoon trends indicating map |
125 | 人員車輛救災任務派遣編組表 | Dispatching table of fire-fighting vehicles and personnel for disaster rescue |
126 | 甲乙種搶救圖 | Type A and B Fire suppression map |
127 | 高危險對象搶救部署計畫圖 | Drawing of allocation and planning for fire suppression of high-danger objects |
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