編號 | 中文 | 英文 |
101 | 登山鞋 | Mountain climbing shoes |
102 | 雪衣 | Snow coat |
103 | 化學防護衣 | 化學防護衣 |
104 | 救助衣 | Rescue coat |
105 | 救護工作鞋 | Shoes for emergency service works |
106 | 體能訓練器材 | Physical training equipments |
107 | 單槓 | Horizontal bar |
108 | 雙槓 | Parallel bars |
109 | 跑步機 | Runner machines |
110 | 仰臥起坐背板 | Situp plates |
111 | 槓鈴 | Barbell |
112 | 啞鈴 | Dumbbell |
113 | 爬竿 | Climbing rod |
114 | 綜合健身組 | Integrated mechanics |
115 | 組織系統表 | Organization system chart |
116 | 轄區概況表 | Overview of area under the jurisdiction |
117 | 轄區水源分布圖 | Diagram of Water source distribution |
118 | 救災相互支援圖 | Diagram of mutual aid for disaster rescue |
119 | 轄區重要路線圖 | Map of traffic routines |
120 | 火災次數及損失統計圖 | Statistic chart of fire frequency and loss |