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Home > Latest News > Administrative Announcements > Cold weather is coming! Keep ventilated while using gas water heater and be careful with fire and electricity.

Cold weather is coming! Keep ventilated while using gas water heater and be careful with fire and electricity.

There were 10 carbon monoxide poisoning cases due to inappropriate use of gas water heaters in 2020, leading to one killed and 37 injured. Cold weather is coming. Keep your place well ventilated while using a gas water heater in order to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Be careful with the use of fire and electricity while using electric appliances, such as electric heaters.

People keep themselves warm in cold weathers with electric heaters and electric blankets. We would like to remind you to be careful with the safety of using electricity and fire. Do not connect an electric heater to an extension cord with multiple other appliances connected together. The surroundings of a heater shall be free of inflammable substances. It is absolutely prohibited to dry your clothes on electric heater or similar electric products, as the clothes may catch fire.

The statistics of National Fire Agency show that 70% of carbon monoxide poisoning cases due to gas water heater in 2020 were caused by outdoor-type (RF-type) gas water heaters installed indoors or at an enclosed balcony or somewhere that is poorly ventilated, while the other 30% were due to not installing exhaust pipes required for gas water heaters (CF-type).

National Fire Agency suggests that you should find a qualified technician to install the gas water heater. An outdoor-type heater should be installed in an outdoor environment that is well ventilated. If installing a gas water heater at a poorly ventilated location is inevitable, the type of  forced exhaust system shall be selected to eliminate the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.

Always keep your place well ventilated while using a gas water heater. If you feel light-headed, vomiting and weak in limbs, be extra careful as these are the symptoms of carbon monoxide. In that case, stop using the water heater immediately and open the windows to the outside for ventilation. If you feel very sick, call 119 immediately for your personal safety.
Last Updated:2020-07-09 HOME
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