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【Value the comments from grass-roots and fight for firefighters for what’s rightfully theirs】

National Association for Firefighters' Rights had a press conference in the morning on Friday, April 7, 2017 talking about their three requests, namely improvement of firefighters’ benefits, encouraging participation of grass-roots and embodiment of union spirits. These requests were in fact derived from a proposal on the online participation platform for public policies of National Development Council, titled “raise the hazard pays for firefighters and give them the overtime pays they deserve!” This proposal was discussed in a meeting attended by a group of firefighting-related personnel and agencies on March 1, 2017. The resolutions of this meeting were published on the online participation platform for public policies at goo.gl/osXdKT.

Firefighters have a very heavy load on their shoulders. For this, NFA has been working hard to promote anything that may improve their lives, such as turning night shifts into sleepovers at office, reduction of duty assessments, transferring animal rescue and varmint removal duties back to agricultural agencies, approval of extending the deadline for comp time to 1 year by the Executive Yuan, replenishment of manpower and agreement upon reasonable attendance system, all of which are part of the efforts to ameliorate the duty loading on firefighters. According to the Local Government Act, however, firefighters’ human resource management and attendance are the responsibilities of local governments. For this, the policy package requires the cooperation between local governments and NFA. These requests involve legal amendments, fund raising and the responsibilities of governments at both local and central levels. NFA is currently working to collect and study the necessary information while inviting local government to participate by providing their valuable comments. When the time is right, the agencies and groups of interests, National Association for Firefighters' Rights and firefighter representatives will be invited for a meeting.

For the supports for firefighters all around the country, NFA values these requests and suggestions very much. For this case, NFA will continue to negotiate with local governments and all parties involved to fight for the rights of the firefighters .

Last Updated:2017-07-09 HOME
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