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Home > Latest News > Administrative Announcements > Secretary General of International Fire Chiefs’ Association of Asia visited the Director General of National Fire Agency

Secretary General of International Fire Chiefs’ Association of Asia visited the Director General of National Fire Agency

The International Fire Chiefs’ Association of Asia (IFCAA) was established in 1960 with the general secretariat based in Tokyo Japan, consisting of 24 fire chiefs from Asia and Oceana. The general conferences are held once every 2 years. The IFCAA is established to encourage cooperation in terms of firefighting and disaster prevention information and technology and improve the ability to prevent and respond to disasters in Asia and Oceana. The 23rd general conference was held in Taipei Taiwan in 2004. The Association itself and its activities are an important platform to share experience with international firefighting groups and contribute to the international society.

This time, the delegation of IFCAA, including Secretary General Mr. 須貝 俊司, Mr. 河野 吉人, Director of international affairs and Mr. 石井 健一, came to Taiwan and visited Director General of NFA at 10:00 am on Mar 7 2017. The group started an official discussion on the 31st general conference for IFCAA in Taiwan accompanied by Deputy Director Generals Chiang Chi-jen and Section Chief Wu Chun-ying. At the end of discussion, Deputy Director General Chiang briefed the guests the overview and businesses of the Central Emergency Operation Center and NFA, and gave them a tour of the National Rescue Command Center, Executive Yuan and the Duty Room of the NFA Rescue Command Center. The guests learned how both the National Rescue Command Center, Executive Yuan and the NFA Rescue Command Center works through explanation of ongoing operations.

Last Updated:2017-07-09 HOME
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