To better understand the search and rescue mechanism of National Rescue Command Center, Executive Yuan (referred to as the Center hereafter) and help improve the rescue efficiency of the search and rescue teams, a delegation of 11 from Regional Coast Guard HQs 11, Japan Coast Guard and Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association, led by Mr. Shinji Miyamoto (宮本伸二), the head of Guard and Rescue Department, visited the Center on Friday, Feb 17, 2017 and received by Mr. Liu Hung-ju, Chief Director of Search and Rescue.
The Center and the guests from Regional Coast Guard HQs 11, Japan Coast Guard and Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association commuted their insights on search and rescue missions and discussed what had been done in their previous S&R cases for interactions and experience sharing, which helps improve their duty efficiency and S&R performance and in turn protect the safety of people’s life and property. In addition, Chief Director Liu showed the guests the Duty Room of the Center and helped them understand the operational mechanism of the Center with simulation scenarios.
Exchange of tokens of memory between Mr. Shinji Miyamoto (宮本伸二), the head of Guard and Rescue Department, Regional Coast Guard HQs 11, JCG and Mr. Liu Hung-ju, Chief Director of Search and Rescue