NFA worked together with Chinese Fire Protection Safety Centre on the “Workshop in Taiwan for Fire and Police Departments of Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security” to increase the interactions with Vietnam in terms of firefighting works. The Centre invited Mr. Nguyen Thi Mua, deputy chief of technology research and firefighting equipment inspection section, Fire, Rescue and Police Department, and Mr. Vu Minh Hai, lecturer of Department of Fire Prevention, Fire Prevention University of Vietnam Ministry of Public Security to Taiwan to participate in a 3-month program starting from Dec 11, 2016 and have hands-on experience in operating firefighting equipment, as to encourage mutual interactions and learning.
To better understand the organization of NFA and what NFA does, Mr. Chao Gang, chairman of Chinese Fire Protection Safety Centre, accompanied the 2 experts for a courtesy call to Director General Chen Wen-lung of NFA and to visit NFA and Central Emergency Operation Center for business briefing. Mr. Nguyen Thi Mua mentioned that Vietnam has relative abundant manpower in firefighting but there is still room for improvement in terms of equipment and technical codes. In addition to the appreciation for this opportunity of attending this workshop, he expressed the interests in attending the “2017 Disaster Prevention Workshop” to intensify the interactions in terms of firefighting and disaster prevention and rescue.
Director General Chen Wen-lung of NFA, Mr. Nguyen Thi Mua, deputy chief of technology research and firefighting equipment inspection section, Fire, Rescue and Police Department, Mr. Chao Gang, chairman of Chinese Fire Protection Safety Centre and Mr. Vu Minh Hai, lecturer of Department of Fire Prevention, Fire Prevention University of Vietnam Ministry of Public Security (from right to left)
Director General Chen presents gift of souvenir to deputy chief, Mr. Nguyen Thi Mua
Director General Chen presents gift of souvenir to lecturer, Mr. Vu Minh Hai