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Press Releases > The relocation project of the Taoyuan City Fourth Fire Brigade and Pingzhen Detachment Building was completed. MAA Shyh-yuan: The central government fully supports local governments in strengthening disaster prevention and relief capacity to protect the s
The relocation project of the Taoyuan City Fourth Fire Brigade and Pingzhen Detachment Building was completed. MAA Shyh-yuan: The central government fully supports local governments in strengthening disaster prevention and relief capacity to protect the s
Today (2024/1122), accompanied by Chief Secretary CHANG Yu-chong of the National Fire Agency (NFA), Political Deputy Minister MAA Shyh-yuan of the Interior (MOI) attended the opening ceremony for the completion of the new building of the Fourth Fire Brigade and Pingzhen Detachment of Taoyuan City Fire Department hosted by Taoyuan Mayor CHANG Shan-cheng. As per MAA, to provide Taoyuan City's fire fighters with a better and higher-quality working environment, the central government fully supported the construction of the fire department building. This construction project totaled in about NT$ 260 million, where NT$ 116 million was subsidized through the Prospective Program from 2021 to 2024. The new building was constructed on the original site of the old building, with 1-story underground and 5-story RC structure above ground. The building is expected to be awarded with green building and smart building certificates, which will then effectively strengthen Taoyuan City's overall disaster prevention and relief capabilities and protect the safety of the populaces’ lives and properties.
As pointed out by MAA Shyh-yuan, in recent years, in recent years, the central government has invested more than NT$ 300 million in funds related to project of Taoyuan City government buildings, including subsidies for the demolition and construction of fire services buildings of Taoyuan City's Fire Detachments in Youshi and Xingguo areas, and Neili and Xinwu Districts; subsidies from the “3-year Medium-term Program for Improving the Interior Facilities of the Fire Services Buildings” for the improvement of the interior facilities of three fire detachments, namely Fudan Detachment, Sanmin Detachment, and Shanfeng Detachment; as well as general subsidies for the renovation projects of the fire department headquarters and affiliated detachments such as Bade and Longgang Detachments.
As emphasized by MAA, the central government is to continue to work with local governments in promoting fire services construction to jointly improve public safety and protect the populaces’ lives and properties.
Remarks rendered by Political Deputy Minister MAA Shyh-yuan of the Interior
Opening ceremony for the completion of the new building of the Fourth Fire Brigade and Pingzhen Detachment of Taoyuan City Fire Department
Last Updated:2024-12-23