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Home > Latest News > Press Releases > The Fire Evidence Identification Laboratory of the National Fire Agency (NFA) strives for excellence by passing the international laboratory proficiency tests

The Fire Evidence Identification Laboratory of the National Fire Agency (NFA) strives for excellence by passing the international laboratory proficiency tests

In 2024/11, the Fire Evidence Identification Laboratory (“the Lab”) of the National Fire Agency (NFA) passed the 2024 international laboratory proficiency test conducted by Collaborative Testing Services Inc. (CTS) in the United States, showing the Lab’s identification capabilities and quality have reached international standards. While advancing its laboratory technical capabilities and providing perfect identification quality, the Lab aims to uncover the truth behind fires, so as to formulate effective strategies to prevent fires and reduce casualties and property losses.
The international laboratory proficiency test conducted by CTS of the United States is mainly a way to evaluate laboratory testing capabilities and then verify laboratory testing levels. World-renowned fire identification or investigation agencies have participated in the CTS proficiency test. Through an impartial third-party agency to quantify personnel’s skills and testing quality, a laboratory's testing capabilities and independent inspection and identification capabilities can be examined, thus improving impartiality.
As indicated by Director General HSIAO Huan-Chang of the National Fire Agency (NFA), NFA boasted its Fire Evidence Identification Laboratory (“the Lab”) with the most comprehensive instruments and facilities in the country. The Lab has also obtained an authentication certificate from the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF). To meet the standards of internationally advanced countries, the Lab took the international laboratory proficiency test conducted by CTS in 2024/08. A total of 288 criminal identification laboratories around the world have also taken this proficiency test. This time, the NFA Lab’s successful passing the proficiency test highlighted that the NFA Lab’s identification capabilities have been on par with international laboratories in the field of forensic science.
As per Director General HSIAO, the Fire Evidence Identification Laboratory is responsible for the identification of major fire evidence across the country, including evidence from major fire cases, such as the fire at Formosa Fun Coast Water Park, the fire at PARTYWORLD (a KTV venue), the fire at LAUNCH TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD., the fire at ANTAI Community Hospital, etc. and the provision of key identification results to assist local fire departments in determining the cause of the fire. In the future, the Lab is to continue to take more international laboratory capability tests and continue to enhance the Lab’s quality assurance and management, so as to provide more accurate identification and analysis of fire debris. Moreover, as the NFA is striving for excellence, under the "Medium-term Program for Advancing Fire Investigation Effectiveness and Enhancing Services", software and hardware equipment such as modern identification instruments can be procured, to facilitate the provision of credible identification results.
Fire investigation personnel unsealed fire evidence and recorded the images. Fire investigation personnel unsealed fire evidence and recorded the images.
Fire investigation personnel analyzed and extracted samples using gas chromatography mass spectrometer (GC-MS). Fire investigation personnel analyzed and extracted samples using gas chromatography mass spectrometer (GC-MS).
Appearance of the Fire Evidence Identification Laboratory of the National Fire Agency (NFA). Appearance of the Fire Evidence Identification Laboratory of the National Fire Agency (NFA).
Last Updated:2024-12-23 HOME
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