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Home > Various Disaster Prevention Tips > When you are in a public place

When you are in a public place

1. When you are watching a movie載電影院時
   (1) If an earthquake occurs when you are watching a movie in a cinema, please bend down into the aisle between the front and rear seats.
      If you have very limited space to bend down and hold your head, please do your best to bend down and ensure that your body is lower than the chair back.
   (2) If an earthquake occurs when you are walking, you can find a solid wall or pillar and knee down to temporarily protect yourself.
2. When you are in the office
   (1) Hide under your office table, drop, cover, hold on and protect your head and neck.
   (2) Do not look up
       Protect your head, neck and body with the table, so that you will not be harmed by a falling lamp, fan, ceiling and other falling objects.
       As fluorescent lamps can break, you can easily be harmed by the fluorescent lamp scarps if you look up now.
3. When you are nearby an elevator
  If you are nearby an elevator when an earthquake occurs, you can drop, cover and hold on outside the elevator. You can also take your belongings to protect your head and next. However, do not enter the elevator.
4. When you are in a cram school
   (1) Hide under your table, drop, cover, hold on and protect your body and neck.
   (2) Follow the instructions of the cram school’s personnel for evacuation.
Last Updated:2020-12-18 HOME
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