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Home > Various Disaster Prevention Tips > Earthquake Preparedness for People with Disability

Earthquake Preparedness for People with Disability

1. Establish your emergency contact network.
2. Look for a trustworthy person from every important place in life (ex. your residential environment, workplace and school) or ask your village chief if your community has any disaster prevention volunteer who can assist you in an emergency.
3. Look for an emergency contact person who live relatively further from you (ex. someone who lives in another village or neighborhood). The reason is that people living nearby you may suffer from the same disaster and will not be able to assist you in an emergency.
4. Give spare keys of your home to one emergency contact person.
5. Discuss with the emergency person about your emergency response plan:
Based on your needs, discuss with your emergency person about your emergency response plan and conduct a drill together.
6. Let your emergency contact person know where your emergency supplies are stored.
7. If you are dependent on life support equipment or caregiver, please ask your emergency contact person to actively confirm your status in an emergency.
Auxiliary Equipment
For those who use electric wheelchair in ordinary days, please check the wheelchair tire pressure and battery charging status frequently and prepare spare batteries and charger. If it is possible, you can also prepare a light manual wheelchair to facilitate the other who assist you to evacuate.
Please attach luminous stickers on your crutch, wheelchair and mobility aid(s) in order to find them easily in the darkness.
If your wheelchair tires are not puncture resistant, please prepare a tire repair kit.
For visually impaired
Prepare a spare crutch (mobility aid) in advance and clearly mark your emergency items with large prints, fluorescent color or braille board, or in any other methods.
For hearing impaired
Prepare spare batteries for your hearing aids in the emergency evacuation kit. It is also a must to prepare some papers or pens for communicating with the others.
For people with dementia
Prepare communication tools in your emergency evacuation kit. For example, those who are unable to speak can communicate with the others using pictures or word cards.
Emergency evacuation kit for guide dog
Water, food, emergency medicines and bandages, can opener, blanket, toy(s), biting rope, your or veterinary’s telephone number, name of the animal training center, paper towels, plastic bags, license video / vaccine injection records and recent photo(s)
Medical equipment and supplies preparedness
It is a must to specify the usage instructions of your frequently used medical equipment. This will facilitate your emergency contact person to assist you in using the equipment. The said equipment should also be reachable in emergency.
If you are dependent on life support equipment, please prepare a backup plan for power outage.
People with chronic diseases should prepare a photocopy of your doctor’s prescription and confirm the method of contacting your clinical institution, your regular medicine and the expiry date thereof.
Last Updated:2020-12-14 HOME
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