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Home > Disaster prevention knowledge > Understand your home risks

Understand your home risks

Understand your home risks in advance. For example, whether the building is old, is situated in the soil liquefaction zone or has gas pipelines. If where you live has relatively higher risks, you can think about moving to another place or purchasing earthquake insurance depending on the conditions.
You can go to the geographic information system of customized disaster prevention system “Bear EMIC” (https://bear.emic.gov.tw) to check detailed information about active fault and soil liquefaction

Think about earthquake prevention and protection when renovating your home.
When renovating an old property, you can think about enhancing the earthquake prevention and protection measures thereof, such as strengthening the beams and columns.
Be careful! Do not reduce earthquake prevention and protection measures of your property during the renovation!
For example, remove the beams and columns or damage the building structure to create a bigger space.
Remove the beams and columns of the building overhang to make it looks better and facilitate the use thereof.
Instead of renovating the property according to the architectural blueprint of professional architect, change the design for convenience and appearance.
Or workers take the convenience of simplifying the construction procedures while the supervisors thereof neglect proper inspection.
The casualties and damages caused by an improper renovation (i.e. original earthquake prevention and protection measures have been weakened or lessened) count a high percentage among the earthquakes’ casualties
Last Updated2020-12-18 HOME
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