編號 | 中文 | 英文 |
21 | 消防幫浦認可基準 | Approval Criteria for Fire Pump |
22 | 防火牆及防火水幕設置基準 | Criteria for Installation of Fire Wall and Fire-Control Water Curtain |
23 | 直轄市縣市消防車輛裝備及其人力配置標準 | Fire Engine, Equipment and Manpower Allocation Standards for the Municipality, County and City |
24 | 爆竹煙火管理條例 | Firework and Firecracker Management Act |
25 | 消防機具器材及設備型式認可審查費及證書費收費標準 | Fee-charging Standards for Examination and Diploma of Type Approval for Fire-Fighting Appliances and Equipments |
26 | 消防安全設備審核認可審查費及證書費收費標準 | Fee-charging Standards for Fire-Fighting Appliances Review and License |
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